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Saturday, 26 December 2020

한일신어업협정 당시 분위기

 당시 일본 방송들은 부산항을 불법조업의 소굴로 언급하며 한국을 악마화했었다. 얼마나 혐한이 뿌리깊게 박혀있는지 알 수 있다. 


Friday, 13 November 2020

Display Maximum resolution propose

 human eye can see approx. 120 deg


and can move 120deg. so, human eye with fixed face can see 240deg.

also minimum pixel for human eye is approx 28sec.


Thus, for full experience for VR, we need approx 240deg * 60min/deg * ((60sec/min)/30sec) = 14400pixel.

Let's call "FullRetina resolution = (14K)^2".

Friday, 18 September 2020

Most disturbing changes in Xcode 12

 As versions go up, more bugs appear. Also, from Xcode 12, complete integration of macOS UI into UIKit started. When you are trying to debug on Xcode 12, you'll get to the most disturbing moment; no debug area in the Xcode. No bottom panel showing button. What you have to do is go to Menu > View > Debug Area > Show Debug Area ( Cmd + Shift + Y ). I don't know why they removed bottom panel button while right panel button is still there. Because there is no top-bottom split window scheme in iOS? C'mon, you can do better than that!

Also, there is a bug that randomly run button is disabled. You can still build/run by shortcuts. Only way to fix this is to completely restart Xcode.

Saturday, 1 August 2020


정부기관을 이용하는데에 아직도 PC가 필수이고, 게다가 Locale Emulator까지 써야하는게 믿기지 않는다. 더이상 non-Unicode 옵션은 없는데도, 정부사이트는 가장 최신것마저 10년전 그대로이다. 정말 변해야만 했던 시절 딱 필요한것만큼 변한 모습이다.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

iPadOS 13.4 버그

앱이 멈추는 버그는 여전히 있고요,
펜슬이 안써지는 버그가 추가되었습니다.